AlliedSil Silicone Sheeting - Non-Reinforced

Long Term Implantable (8” x  6”)

AlliedSil Silicone Sheeting - Reinforced

Long Term Implantable (8” x  6”)

Applications of Silicone Sheeting


Nasal Septal Repair or Septal Plasty
Dorsal Augmentation
Orbital Floor Reconstruction
Tympanic Membrane Repair & External Ear
Lengthening of extraocular muscles
Wound closures (open heart / breast surgeries)
Subcutaneous Tissue Augmentation
Subcutaneous Tissue Suspension
Pediatric Gastroschisis (Birth defect of abdominal /  herniation)
Surgical repair of urethal anatomy
Prevent synostosis in completed corrective surgery for cranial fusions and forearm fractures