Lose weight with Orbera.


#1 Weight Loss Balloons

Available in 6-months & 12-months options

The Orbera® fills the gap between the non-surgical weight loss segment and the weight loss surgery segment, allowing you to do more for your patients who require more than drug therapy and dietary advice.

•Patients can achieve 3x the weight loss with ORBERA® than with diet & exercise alone


•US Pivotal Study demonstrated an average EWL of 38.4%* at 6 months


•#1 in global market share for intragastric balloons


•A more than 20-year history of helping thousands of people lose weight


•Helps to fill the stomach and encourage portion control


•Teaches healthy habits to help keep the weight off even after the balloon is removed



More Than 277,000 ORBERA® Balloons Distributed Globally


ORBERA® was commercially launched outside the U.S. in 2004, and is now used to assist patients with weight loss in over 80 countries. More than 277,000 ORBERA® balloons have been distributed globally. Today, ORBERA® is the #1 gastric balloon around the world.


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